Our Story

Hi there! My name is Oz—founder of DadNap Studios. I started developing games during COVID-19 pandemic. Not to mention the psychological rollercoaster of living through a pandemic, life at home was very hectic with a kindergartener and a 2nd grader doing virtual learning. With a day job, I could only do game development working late nights. The problem was that I was not getting enough sleep. So, I found myself taking afternoon naps almost every day. This was working out perfectly until my kids became aware of my new habit and started saying things like: “Daddy, why do you nap all the time?” or “OMG daddy, are you going to nap again?”

Little did they know, my “dad naps” kept me going throughout the day and gave me energy and motivation to look forward to another late night coding, designing, composing and whatever it took to craft a beautiful game.

Although my kids still give me hard time about my naps, they have been closely involved in the design of our games. From gameplay mechanics to visual design, they have always given me critical feedback that massively impacted direction I take. I’m hoping that this daddy-bonding time will last for a very long time and maybe one day, I’ll help them building their own games.

Thanks for visiting our site and playing our games. We appreciate your support! ❤️

Picture of Oz with his kids

Me and the gang